Job Post Media Audience Targeting


You may know Job News /Job Post Media (JNJPM) for their Job Fairs, Job Blasts, Digital Recruitment Campaigns and Recruiting Event Campaigns, but they also have audience targeting products that can expand your recruitment reach even further than ever before.

■ SMS Text
Applicants within your desired demographic can be sent a text message to promote your hiring event or they can be sent reminders to apply directly on your company Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Job Post Media also provides a branded apply page on our NOLig job website.

Audience Data Targeting
This marketing strategy targets candidates anywhere they are on the web through static banner ads, animated gifs, or video. Our programmatic trading platform has access to over 80 ad exchanges and all major data providers. This enables our clients to have precision targeting available at an efficient price point.

Job Post Media begins the process of creating geo-fencing and geo-framing campaigns by working with the client to determine competitors in the market in order to reach passive job seekers. Examples may include direct competitor locations, hiring events, college campuses, and trade shows.

Next, we draw a virtual fence around the competitor’s location and show your banner ad to people inside that “fence” on mobile devices. This includes in-app (weather app, games, etc.) and any online activity. For example: During a live event at a concert venue, we could deliver mobile impressions during the event to any user in the defined “fence”.

■  Geo-Framing
Geo-framing allows us to identify mobile device IDs that have been in the identified virtual “fence” within the previous 30 days. We will then deliver banner ads in the same manner as geo-fencing no matter where the user is currently located. For example: CDL Drivers may not be at their service center daily but we can presume that they have been inside the virtual “fence” within the previous 30 days. 

Use Both at the Same Time
Geo-fencing and framing may be utilized simultaneously. Our marketing experts will help determine the best blend of products based on your campaign goals.