Top 8 Questions Job Seekers Ask


You have an interview scheduled for 3:00 with a prospective new hire. You meet with the candidate and things progress along nicely. You’re ready to wrap up the interview and you ask your final question: “Do you have any questions for me?” Following are just some of the questions job seekers might be asking employers today. 1,2

1. What qualifications would your ideal candidate have? The candidate has read your job description but is probably looking for specific information about what is expected of them and what they can do to distinguish themselves from other candidates.

2. Can you tell me something about the person I would be reporting to? This is the prospect’s chance to find out more about your company’s organization and where they’ll fit in.  It’s also their opportunity to find out whether their manager is hands-off, a micro-manager, or somewhere in between.

3. Are you or your staff currently facing a specific challenge that you want me to solve or help with? The candidate wants to exhibit initiative and to know what to expect from day one. Will they be jumping into a fire or filling a vacancy in an existing workflow?

4. What would be considered success in this position? Again, this is a question suggesting drive and initiative on the job seeker’s part. Your answer will give the prospect a better idea of whether or not they are a good match for your job.

5. Do you offer professional training and/or continuing education? This job seeker would like to advance and grow with your company and wants to see if the company promotes this for their employees.

6. Have you enjoyed working here? This is the job seeker’s chance to connect with you personally. They will use your answer as well as your visual cues, to formulate an impression of working for your company.

7. Do you have any questions or hesitations about my qualifications? Once the prospect knows more about what you are looking for, they can give new examples or further explain previous answers that they hope will ease any fears you might have about hiring them.

8. What is the next step in the process? This is the job seeker’s chance to close the deal, so don’t be surprised if they ask for your email or phone number so that they can check back with you directly. At the very least, the candidate will want to know when they might expect to hear back from you.