5 Startup Hiring Tips


What makes hiring for a startup different than hiring for a large corporation? Lots. One bad hire can make or break a new startup that is often strapped for cash and talent. Every team member needs to contribute and to have the ability to wear multiple hats. Here are a few tips to consider when it’s time to make your next hire.

1. Define your culture. Everything about you, your employees, your office environment and your marketing immediately reveals clues to your culture. But candidates will probably want specific examples of what working for your company will be like. For example, you might let them know how often and when performance reviews are given. Whether or not there are regular company-wide meetings. They also may want to know if everyone works in teams or flies solo. Other perks like free food, flexible scheduling, and career training all contribute to a positive company culture.1

2. Aim for Transparency. Let candidates know current expectations for the job but make them aware of potential change as the company evolves. For the right candidate, potential change is an attractive benefit. For the more corporate-minded who crave consistency and stability, it will be a red flag.2

3. Hire for Diversity. Steve Case, co-founder of AOL, says, “Recognize that entrepreneurship is a team sport. It’s not just about the founder or founders, it’s about a broader mix of people. You have to strike the right balance between having a team of people who work well together and having distinct and diverse perspectives. If you just focus on people you like to work with, chances are, it’s not going to give you the different perspectives you need.”3

4. Search for Problem Solvers. Startups are about doing whatever it takes to get the job done with limited resources. A good startup candidate is self-motivated. They delight in the challenge of successfully solving new problems and constantly growing their skills.3

5. Don’t Forget Passive Jobseekers. When you’re recruiting in today’s competitive environment, it’s important that you not only advertise your open positions but actively search out passive job seekers.  Social media is the perfect way to target your ideal candidates geographically and demographically.

1 http://www.rocketspace.com/tech-startups/ten-hiring-tips-for-scaling-your-early-stage-startup

2 https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/245282

3 https://www.huffingtonpost.com/jonathan-chan/three-tips-for-hiring-sta_b_13798210.html

4 http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7155-startup-hiring-tips.html


